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    Психо-нейро-физиологические аспекты моторной и идеомоторной тренировки в стендовой стрельбе (на примере круглого стенда) = The psycho-neuro-physiological aspects of motor and ideomotor training in clay pigeon shooting (taking the "skeet" one as an example) / Морозов Николай Александрович [и др.]
    // Экстрем. деятельность человека. - 2016. - № 4. - С. 53-60. - Рез.: рус., англ. - Библиогр.: с. 60 (10 назв.).

URL HTTP://lib.sportedu.ru/Press/Extreme/2016n4/p53-60.pdf

    -- 1. Психофизиология спортивная - Тренировка идеомоторная - Управление движением - Психофизиологические механизмы - Моторика - Нейрофизиология - Мотонейроны - Кинестетические представления - Зрительно-двигательная реакция - Схема - Зрительный анализатор - Концентрация внимания - Психорегуляция. 2. Стрелковый спорт - Стрельба стендовая - Стрельба пулевая - Упражнения стрелковые - Тренировка спортивная - Визуализация - Стрельба по мишеням - Техника выстрела - Результативность спортивная. 3. #Clay pigeon shooting. 4. #Motor and ideomotor shooting exercise. 5. #Skeet shooting. 6. #Ideomotor training in clay pigeon shooting. 7. #Psycho-neuro-physiological aspects. 8. #Kinesthetic data of imaginary movement. 9. #Motor neurons. 10. #Alignment of the sight with the target. 11. #Adjustment of the target's defeat program. 12. #Visualization.

    УДК 796:159.938             ГРНТИ 15.21.35
    УДК 799.312.5               ГРНТИ
                                ГРНТИ 34.39.15

    Выявлено, что успех в современном профессиональном спорте достигается рациональным сочетанием всех составляющих тренировочного процесса: физической, технической, тактической и психологической, которая включает мотивацию, психорегуляцию, визуализацию.

    A success in modern professional sport can be achieved by the rational combination all of the training process components: physical, technical, tactical and psychological. The psychology part of the training includes motivation, psychoregulation and visualization. The human mind is capable to influence subconscious regulation of vital processes and muscular activity via the central nervous system. A creation of neural networks in the brain and strengthening the existing neural connections is a physiological basis of visualization. The same mechanism takes place in the actual implementation of any movement or exercise. Visualization allows to set these neural connections up without actual movement's performing and finally let the athlete get necessary skills. The visualization technique as one of the psychophysiological aspects of improving the efficiency in clay pigeon shooting has been considered. The training structure has been found out, considering the visualization technique. The main principles of visualization have been determined. Different modes of performing the shooting exercises according to the psycho-neuro-physiological mechanism have been described. A review of the theories which are describing the psycho-neuro-physiological mechanism has been done. The classification of different modes of performing the shooting exercise (shooting at the flying target) based on the motor and ideomotor technique (visual-muscular exercise performing, visual-mental exercise performing and mental exercise performing), has been suggested. The comparison of the various ways (motor & ideomotor) of shooting exercises' implementation, has been carried out in terms of psycho-neuro-physiological mechanism. The algorithm of the ideomotor exercises, which develops athlete's coordination and allow to synchronize his actions with the target's flight, as well as to improve concentration and neutralize the effects of extraneous irritating factors has been determined.

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