Сопов, В.Ф. Применение спортивного арт-тренинга в детско-юношеском футболе = The application of the art-training in child and youth football / Сопов В.Ф., Диденко А.А. // Вестн. спортив. науки. - 2017. - № 1. - С. 20-23. - Рез.: рус., англ. - Библиогр.: с. 23 (5 назв.).
Цель исследования - сравнить эффективность применения методики "Спортивный арт-тренинг" (САрТ) у футболистов 15 - 16 и 11 - 12 лет. Выявлено, что применение методов арт-терапии было более эффективным в коррекции стратегий копинг-поведения "разрешение проблемы" и "избегание", а также таких свойств личности как эмоциональная уравновешенность, агрессивность, чувствительность независимо от возраста спортсменов. Показано, что методы арт-терапии в большей степени оказали влияние на свойства личности социально-психологической обусловленности и эмоционально-волевой сферы.
Aim of this work is demonstration of the recourses, elaborated by authors of this methodic of sport art-training in applying in the training process of young football players of different age with the aim of correction of strategy of the coping-conduct. The main aim of this investigation is comparison use of the techniques "Sport art-training" of the players 15 - 16 and 11 - 12 years old. The technique of investigation included: Psycho-diagnostic methods (test of stress resistance; indicator of the coping-strategy; the scale of the school anxiety by Philips; test 16PF; the scale of the motivationally condition). Technique "Sport art-training" included methods of art-therapy (collage, art-therapy, fairy tale-therapy, biblio-therapy, work with plastic materials, scene plastic arts). Comparative analysis of the particular qualities of the coping-strategy before application the sport art-training showed that the group of the youngest players every strategy of the co-ownership have more expressed character. The youngest players show more high index by a factor "Quickness" then in the group the more older football players. The application of the methods of art-therapy was more effective in the correction of the strategy of the coping-conduct "Solution of the problem" and "Avoiding" and also so quality of individual like "Emotional mental ballast", "Aggression", "Sensitivity" independently of the age of sportsmen. Methods of the art-therapy to a greater extent showed effect on the quality of the individual psycho-social conditionality, emotional and volitional sphere.