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Курочкина, Ю.А.
    Результаты выполнения 5 ступени нормативов комплекса "Готов к труду и обороне" (ГТО) учащимися в условиях современной школы = Results of performance of stage 5 standards of Ready for Labour and Defence complex by students of modern school / Курочкина Ю.А., Кириллова Я.В.
    // Науч.-спортив. вестн. Урала и Сибири. - 2017. - № 3 (15). - С. 65-70. - Рез.: рус., англ. - Библиогр.: с. 69-70 (9 назв.).

URL HTTP://lib.sportedu.ru/Press/NSVUiS/2017n3(15)/p65-70.pdf

    -- 1. Россия. 2. Физическое воспитание - Учреждение общеобразовательное - Старший школьный возраст - Занятия физической культурой - Здоровый образ жизни - Учебная деятельность - Всероссийский физкультурно-спортивный комплекс - Комплекс ГТО - Нормативы спортивные - Сдача нормативов - Физическая подготовленность - Учащиеся - Современность - Ступени ГТО - Возрастные особенности. 16 - 17 лет - Физическое развитие - Государственная политика - Тестовые испытания - Упражнения тестовые - Девушки - Юноши - Уровень подготовленности - Значки спортивные. 3. Методика исследования - Тестирование подготовленности - Таблица - Анализ результатов. 4. Physical culture. 5. Healthy lifestyle. 6. #results of Ready for Labour and Defence complex standards. 7. #Educational activity. 8. #Physical preparedness of students.

    УДК 796.078                 ГРНТИ 77.03.13

    Представлены результаты исследования уровня физической подготовленности учащихся старших классов 16-17 лет, принявших добровольное участие в выполнении 5 ступени комплекса ГТО; выявлен актуальный уровень развития основных физических качеств учащихся.

    The article is devoted to currently topical subject – readiness of students for taking the standards of All-Russian physical cultural sport complex Ready for Labour and Defence (RLD). RLD implementation in schools is of major importance, because early propaganda of healthy sporting lifestyle creates school children positive motivation. The results of survey of physical preparedness of senior school children aged 16-17, who have taken part in performing of stage V of RLD complex voluntary, are presented. Current level of development of basic physical characteristics of young people is revealed: In the group of girls, the focus is on the development of speed-strength qualities, strength endurance of the muscles of the shoulder girdle and the front surface of the trunk, as well as flexibility. In the group of young men, there is an emphasis on the development of speed abilities, strength endurance of the muscles of the anterior surface of the trunk, however, the strength of the muscles of the upper extremities in most subjects is not sufficiently developed. The results of the test "running at 2 km" for girls and boys correspond to a low level. In order to prepare students for achieving higher results in the setting of the RLD set standards, their physical training, the development and use of new means and methods of training and their introduction into the educational process must be improved; should take into account the integrated focus, which predetermines the use of a variety of physical exercises aimed at the development of basic and special physical qualities, taking into account age sensitive periods, innovative technologies, equipment and approaches in teaching high school students.

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