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Шайхуллин, Т.Д.
    Методика комплексного применения средств физической подготовки для повышения уровня работоспособности летчиков-инструкторов армейской авиации
    // Учен. зап. ун-та им. П.Ф. Лесгафта. - 2009. - № 6 (52). - С. 93-98.

URL HTTP://lesgaft-notes.spb.ru/files/6-52-2009/p93-98.pdf

    -- 1. #Fitness training. 2. #Pilot-instructors. 3. #Army air forces. 4. #Complex methodology.

    УДК 796.                    ГРНТИ 77.

    The study presents the materials of author's survey relating to justification of complex physical culture means' applying for army air forces pilot-instructors' improvement of efficiency. The author justified the organizational and pedagogical conditions that are necessary for the army air forces pilot-instructors' efficiency improvement; showed the factors determining the high effectiveness of physical culture means' applying.

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