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    Пути повышения объективности определения командного первенства в лично-командных соревнованиях по греко-римской и вольной борьбе / Горанов Б. [и др.]
    // Учен. зап. ун-та им. П.Ф. Лесгафта. - 2011. - № 6 (76). - С. 27-32.

URL HTTP://lesgaft-notes.spb.ru/files/6-76-2011/p27-32.pdf

    -- 1. Competition. 2. #System of definition of team championship. 3. #Correct definition of the winner. 4. #"Medal" offset. 5. #Quality of performance. 6. #Occupied place. 7. #Number of points.

    ГРНТИ 77.

    The article presents the analysis of objectivity evaluation for the existing system of team classification in wrestling personally-team competitions with further identification of ways of its improvement. There was developed a system of team classification, which eliminates the main shortcomings of the current methods and allows more objectively and correctly determine the team results in competitions on Greco-Roman and free-style wrestling.

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