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Щеголев, В.А.
    Оздоровительно-прикладная физическая подготовка молодежи к военной службе в условиях муниципального физкультурно-оздоровительного центра = Health-applied physical preparation of youth for military service in the conditions of municipal health and fitness Centre / Щеголев В.А., Русских А.В.
    // Учен. зап. ун-та им. П.Ф. Лесгафта. - 2011. - № 12 (82). - С. 199-206. - Библиогр. (4 назв.).

URL HTTP://lesgaft-notes.spb.ru/files/12-82-2011/p199-206.pdf

    -- 1. Физическое состояние. 2. #Особенности организации. 3. #Оздоровительно-прикладная физическая подготовка. 4. #Characteristics of the organization. 5. #Health-applied physical preparation. 6. Physical condition.

    УДК 378                     ГРНТИ 77.

    The article reveals the features of the health-applied physical preparation of youth at pre-conscription and conscription military ages with different levels of physical fitness in the conditions of municipal health and fitness Centre. It has been demonstrated that leading role in achieving positive results is put on the scientific rationale and the practical application of the method of normalization of physical stress at the lessons of health-applied physical preparation, as well as on individual performance and physical sports interests consideration in the development of basic physical qualities and applied skills.

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