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Малазония, И.Г.
    Технико-тактическая подготовленность юных боксеров на начальном этапе спортивной подготовки = Technical-tactical training of young boxers on the ascending stage of sports activity / И.Г. Малазония
    // Физ. культура, спорт - наука и практика. - 2016. - № 4. - С. 20-22. - Рез.: рус., англ. - Библиогр. (6 назв.): с. 21-22.

URL HTTP://journal.kgufkst.ru/file/?iblock_id=18&id=26212

    -- 1. Бокс - Юношеский спорт - Технико-тактическая подготовленность - Начальный этап - Спортивная подготовка - Спарринг-партнеры - Ролевая функция - Методика подготовки. 2. Методика исследования - Тесты физические - Критерий Стьюдента - Диаграмма - Статистическая обработка. 3. #Young boxers. 4. #Alternate role functions. 5. #Sparring partners. 6. #Indicators of technical and tactical training.

    УДК 796.83                  ГРНТИ 77.29.10
                                ГРНТИ 77.03.23

    Обследовано 40 юных боксеров в возрасте 12-14 лет на начальном этапе спортивной подготовки (экспериментальная и контрольная группы), проведена статистическа обработка с использованием критерия Стьюдента. Вывод: внедрение ситуативных технико-тактических заданий с использованием лап при смене ролевых функций обеспечивает формирование эффективных индивидуальных технико-тактических комплексов.

    Currently amateur boxing requires the raising of athlete's special training. The need for boxers' aspiration to continued growth of sports results, and new sports achievements are possible due to the continuous increase of training loads, accompanied by a high risk to the athletes' health, based on the failure of compensatory-adaptive mechanisms in the organism. Thus, many-year process of systematic improvement of techniques and tactics forms an important component in the conduct of a boxing match. In order to maintain health and optimize the technical and tactical training of children and adolescents, complexity of the educational component should be applied using gaming battle "tag" with a sparring partner and alternate-role combat (using paws by one boxer). 40 young boxers aged 12-14 years at the training stage of preparation (experimental and control groups) were observed. Technical and tactical functions were determined by the following known parameters used in boxing: quantitative performance indicator (QPI), combinative efficiency indicator (CEI); agile security index (ASI); contact protection index (CPI); remote diversity index (RDI); point winning indicator (PWI). The results were subjected to statistical analysis using Student's t-test. Implementation of situational technical and tactical tasks with paws when changing roles and functions provides the formation of effective individual technical and tactical complexes.

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