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    Особенности дифференциации весовых категорий спортсменов, занимающихся гиревым спортом = Features of differentiation of weight categories among kettlebell sport athletes / Л.Л. Ципин [и др.]
    // Физ. культура, спорт - наука и практика. - 2016. - № 4. - С. 39-43. - Рез.: рус., англ. - Библиогр.: с. 42 (6 назв.).

URL HTTP://journal.kgufkst.ru/file/?iblock_id=18&id=26212

    -- 1. Гиревой спорт - Двоеборье гиревое - Движение толчковое - Весовая категория - Исторический аспект - Распределение результатов - Дифференцированный подход - Мужчины. 2. Методика исследования - Статистический анализ - Таблица - Статистическая обработка - Рисунок. 3. #Kettlebell sport. 4. #Double-event. 5. #Push on a long cycle. 6. #Weight categories. 7. #Statistical analysis.

    УДК 796.894                 ГРНТИ

    Проведено исследование, цель которого заключалась в обосновании возможного варианта весовых категорий в гиревом спорте на основе статистического анализа результатов выступления мужчин на крупных всероссийских соревнованиях.

    Nowadays kettlebell sport has gained recognition in many countries of the world. Improvement in training methods is one of the reasons why several rules of competitions in kettlebell sport, including weight categories, repeatedly changed. Experts have different opinions on quantity and bounds of weight categories. Practically there are no studies with scientific justification of optimal quantity and bounds of weight categories. In this regard research aimed at justification of possible weight categories in kettlebell sport based on a statistical analysis of male athlete's performance at large Russian competitions is conducted. Results in a classical double-event and a push of weights of 32 kg of a long cycle shown from 2010 to 2016 at 46 competitions are taken as a basic data for the analysis. 6349 results are processed in total. The carried-out analysis has shown that in a double-event results in the neighboring weight categories of 85 and 95 kg, 95 and 95 + kg don't significantly differ. In a push on a long cycle results in weight categories of 73 and 78 kg, 85 and 95 kg, of 95 and 95 + kg also don't significantly differ. The difference in results upon transition from light to heavy weight categories decreases. The correlation between results and weight of athletes in the neighboring weight categories is weak. There is a certain tendency of growth of results with increase in weight of athletes in all range of their change. On the basis of the obtained data the possible option of weight categories of athletes-weight lifters is offered: to 63, 68, 78 and over 78 kg. The offered option differs in the fact that results of competitive exercises in all next weight categories authentically differ and their difference is approximately identical. Bounds of weight categories are brought closer to nowadays existing.

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