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Колесникова, А.А.
    Динамика электролитного статуса велосипедистов высокой квалификации на фоне приема регидратационного напитка функционального назначения = The dynamic of electrolytic status of highly qualified cyclists in conditions of using rehydratational drink of functional purpose / А.А. Колесникова, Н.К. Артемьева, А.А. Тарасенко
    // Физ. культура, спорт - наука и практика. - 2016. - № 4. - С. 73-78. - Рез.: рус., англ. - Библиогр.: с. 76-77 (11 назв.).

URL HTTP://journal.kgufkst.ru/file/?iblock_id=18&id=26212

    -- 1. Велосипедный спорт - Гонки велосипедные - Гонки шоссейные. 2. Физиология спортивная - Работоспособность физическая - Водно-солевой обмен - Дегидратация. 3. Биохимия спортивная - Электролитный баланс. 4. Питание спортивное - Напитки солевые - Эргогенические действия. 5. #Road cyclists. 6. #Dehydratation degree. 7. #Electrolytic status. 8. #Rehydratation drink.

    УДК 796.01:577.1            ГРНТИ 77.05.03
                                ГРНТИ 77.05.05
                                ГРНТИ 77.05.13

    Вывод: коррекция электролитного статуса велосипедистов-шоссейников на фоне курсового приема регидратационного эргогенического напитка позволяет привести изучаемые параметры к оптимальным значениям, приближая их к индивидуальным физиологическим нормам с учетом уровня квалификации и степени дегидратации.

    Dehydratation is one of the main factors which leads to the change in the water-salt balance and therefore to the decrease of work capacity during muscular activity. Use of the rehydratational drinks during physical loads reduces signs of dehydration, restores the electrolytic balance that promotes rising of physical capacity. The studying of rehydratation ergogenic drink on electrolytic degree of high qualified road cyclists and its influence was completely carried out in the conditions of laboratories taking into account the degree of dehydratation. The results of the research show a significant increase of the average time of retraining of loading in the main group. The degree of dehydratation among cyclists using the dehydratation drink is lower in comparison with control group. By the way road cyclists of high qualifications have got lower index in comparison with less qualified sportsmen no matter what kind of rehydratation it is. Less significant changes of excretion with urine and sweat of all researched electrolytic are determined in the main group. Herewith the sportsmen with high qualification showed less intensive excretion of ions with biological liquids in comparison with low qualified sportsmen. The correction of electrolytic status of road cyclists in condition of using rehydratational ergogenic drink gives a chance to optimize studying parameters approaching them to individual physiological norms taking into account the degree of qualification and dehydratation.

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