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Столяров, В.И.
    Новые формы клубной спортивной работы с детьми и молодежью = New Forms of Club Physical Culture and Sports Work with Children and Youth / Столяров В.И., Кудрявцева Н.В., Перевозников А.А.
    // Физ. культура: воспитание, образование, тренировка. - 1998. - № 2. - С. 13-16. - Библиогр. (20 назв.).

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/FKVOT/1998N2/p13-16.htm

    -- 1. Россия. 2. Финляндия. 3. Бельгия. 4. Великобритания. 5. Англия. 6. Америка. 7. Физкультурно-спортивная работа. 8. Массовый спорт. 9. Физкультурно-оздоровительная работа. 10. Оздоровительная физическая культура. 11. Массовая физическая культура. 12. Детский возраст. 13. Молодежь. 14. Школьный спорт. 15. Внешкольная работа. 16. За рубежом. 17. Зарубежный опыт. 18. Клуб спортивный. 19. Клуб Добрыни Никитича. 20. СпАрт. 21. Спартианские игры. 22. Children. 23. Youth. 24. Physical culture. 25. Sport. 26. Sports club. 27. Foreign experience. 28. Project.

    УДК 796.034.2               ГРНТИ 77.03.15

    В настоящее время во всех странах при организации массовой спортивной работы с детьми и молодежью все более важное значение придается деятельности спортклубов.

    The aim of this article was to show the new forms of the club physical culture and sports work with children and youth in the aspect of their development in Russia and abroad. The foreign specialists believe, that the main directions of the children and youth sports club work's improvement are the next: to increase the variety of the sport activity's forms, to orientate persons, taking up sport on the free self-expression, to redouble the instructors' attention to the culture-educational activities and to the processes of children' and teenagers' socialization. One of the most popular forms of the children sports club work in Russia is the Spartian club as the voluntary association the Spartian movement' participants. The Spartian club is the playing one.

    The main direction of its activities - the organization of an active, creative rest and dealings of the Club members on the base of including them into diverse games, amusements, pastimes and first of all into the Spartian Games, as well as the other competitions, uniting sport with arts and oriented on moral and aesthetic valuables.

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