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Сальников, В.А.
    Соотношение возрастного и индивидуального в структуре сенситивных и критических периодов развития = Correlation of Age and Individual in Sensitive and Critical Period's Structure of Ontogenesis
    // Физ. культура: воспитание, образование, тренировка. - 1997. - № 4. - С. 8-12. - Библиогр. (43 назв.).

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/FKVOT/1997N4/p8-12.htm

    -- 1. Биологическое созревание. 2. Сенситивный период. 3. Физиология спортивная. 4. Юношеский спорт. 5. Критический период. 6. Детский возраст. 7. Двигательные способности. 8. Физические качества. 9. Биологический возраст. 10. Возрастные особенности. 11. Физическое развитие. 12. Индивидуальные особенности. 13. Нервная система. 14. Sensitive period. 15. Critical period. 16. Chronological age. 17. Biological age. 18. Psychological age. 19. Age norm. 20. Determinism. 21. Development. 22. Individual peculiarities. 23. Properties of nervous system. 24. Rates of growth.

    УДК 796.01:612              ГРНТИ 77.05.05


    The aim of this paper is to attract attention towards the problem of age and individual correlation in human physical development in the early stages of ontogenesis. The theoretical and experimental data' analysis was used as a method of this research. The results obtained in this investigation make us to consider that age changes' study must be supplemented by the rich in content analysis, reflecting the human development's regularities. The most important among them is the fact that the dynamics of development is not determined by a single sign but is connected with the complex of acting factors. The regularities of personality's age development display in human individual peculiarities mostly.

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