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Пегов, В.А.
    Теоретическое и практическое обоснование возможных путей решения проблемы экологии детства: от "нормального" к здоровому = Theoretical and Practical Substantiation of Possible Ways to Solve a Problem of Childhood's Ecology: from "Ordinary" to Healthy
    // Теория и практика физ. культуры. - 2000. - № 9. - С. 49-52. - Библиогр. (19 назв.).

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/TPFK/2000N9/p49-52.htm

    -- 1. Программа физического воспитания. 2. Духовность. 3. Возрастные особенности. 4. Учреждение общеобразовательное. 5. Валеология. 6. Здоровье детей. 7. Теоретический аспект. 8. Телесность. 9. Активность двигательная. 10. Экология личности. 11. Социально-психологические аспекты. 12. Педагогическая деятельность. 13. Методика исследования. 14. Математические методы. 15. Методологический подход. 16. Тестирование. 17. Сравнительный анализ. 18. Ecology of childhood. 19. Health. 20. Nature-conformity. 21. Corporal development. 22. Motor experience.

    УДК 796.078                 ГРНТИ 77.03.13
                                ГРНТИ 77.01.77

    The problem of nature-conformity of education is risen in the article. The author showed, that present mental loads aggrandizement at school leads to rush increasing of somatic and psychic diseases among schoolchildren. According to the author's opinion, the roots of the problem lay in pedagogical influences that are not nature-conformable, therefore harmful for children's mental and physical health. The author traced a character of interrelations between the level of children's motor abilities and marks of mental skills (writing, reading, mathematics). More than 120 children had been examined. It was shown in the conclusion that there is the statically reliable dependence between some motor and mental abilities.

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