
" Sport for all" Belgrade-Secretaty General,

We live in a modern time fulfilled with great historical changes, which are manifested in industrial, social, cultural, demographic and other spheres, and lately with great storms in social-political structures and systems.

"Sport for all" is a reality in a whole world today, movement developing in more than hundred countries on all continents and it is accepted everywhere in a modern sense: as a free activity of using sports and recreational contents which are contributing to health, entertainment and relaxing, with improving functional capabilities of the body.

"Sport for all" movement has developed 1969 in Oslo (Norway) during maintaining World conference "Trim and fitness". In Belgrad (Yugoslavia) "Sport for all" has been formed at the end of 1992.

"Sport for all" belongs to all interested, no matter of sex, age, race, psycho-physical capabilities for the right of being engaged in sport is universal right of all people, to whom moving, exercising, game or competing in the spare time represents pleasure. It is the fact that the sport, during last decades, has grown up to high proportions and became a phenomenon of life.

At the World board "Sport for all" Congress (Bordoux, 1991) all statistical data were presented, concerning involvement of people in SFA activities: Germany 61%, Canada 60%, Finland 56%, Switzerland 54%, Australia 49%, Denmark 45%, Norway 41%, France 35%, Italy, Czech, Hong Kong 30% and Philippine, Greece Spain and Yugoslavia 20%.

In our country, there s more of individual inaction and realization of various sports and recreational activities. Government institutions have directional and propagational role and there is also an expert control on occasional activities.

What is it that we want for SFA to achieve in the XXI century:

- wider exception of the role and significance of sport and recreation, which contribute with its influence to aprogress of mankind.

- increasing number of countries and organizations included in national and world movement.

- increasing number of regular achieve members

- further development of profession and science in this area.

- increasing all forms of international collaboration.

- improving the INFO system and ways of popularization.

- development of management and marketing

Our experiences and researches direct on further appliance and development of programs contents where there is the biggest interest exists and that is:

- Day of sport, recreation and health

- Summer and winter festival of recreation

- Orienteering

- "Expo-zim" fair of winter sport equipment and recreation

- World walking day

- Challenge day

- Cycling to health

- Exercise for health

- Education and improving an amateur expert

- International collaboration generally, particular common programs of the south-east European countries.

Experts anticipate that in the begging of XXI century the number of population in the world will be increased up to 8 billions and that the average life of homosapiens will be about 130 years? There are some doubts we still expect some answers: Is the sport really equal right for everyone has it found its true place on every space and will be the disturbed world be more vital and happier with more "Sport for all" contents?

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Stakie, P. Sport for all belgrade at 21 century // Человек в мире спорта : Новые идеи, технологии, перспективы : Тез. докл. Междунар. конгр. - М., 1998. - Т. 2. - С. 441-443.