3-5 August 1998 5th Annual Symposium of the Asian Society for Adapted Physical Education and
Exercise (ASAPE) Tsukuba, Japan Contact: Dr. Hideo Nakata Institute of Special Education University of Tsukuba Tsukuba-shi 305 Japan Fax: (81)298-53-6748
Email: h-nakata@ningen.human.tsukuba.ac.jp
3-8 August 1998 Third World Congress of Biomechanics Sapporo,Japan Contact: Congress Office Biomechanics Laboratory Department of Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Engineering Science Osaka University Toyonaka, Osaka 560 Japan Tel. 81-6-850-6170 Fax: 81-6-850-6171
Email: hayashi@me.es.osaka-u.ac.jp
URL: http://newton.shinshu-u.ac.jp/JSMEBIO/wcb98/announce.html
6-14 June 1998 The Fifth Anniversary International Conference "Crimea 98" Sudak, Republic of Crimea, Ukraine Theme: Libraries and Associations in a Transient World: New
Technologies and New Forms of Cooperation
Contact: Organizing Committee Telex: 411118 bgpntsu Fax: 7 (095) 92198 62
Email: Crimea98@gpntb.msk.su URL: http://gpntb.iitp.ru/crimea98/
8-10 June 1998 International Symposium on Good Occupational Health Practice and Evaluation of
Occupational Health Services Espoo, Finland
Contact: Symposium on Good Occupational Health Practice and Evaluation of Occupational Health Services Symposium Secretariat, Inkeri Haataja Finnish Institute of Occupational Health Topeliuksenkatu 41 a A FIN-00250 Helsinki, Finland Tel. 358-9-474 7470 Fax: 358-9-474 7548 Email: Inkeri.Haataja@occuphealth.fi URL: http://www.occuphealth.fi/tiedotus
28-2 June/July 1998 8th International Symposium of Biomechanics and Medicine in Swimming Jyvaskyla, Finland Contact: Ms. Pirjo-Leena Pitkanen University of Jyvaskyla
Jyvaskyla Congresses P.O. Box 35 FIN-40351 Jyvaskyla Finland Tel. 358 14 603662 Fax:358 14 603227 Email: pitkanen@jyu.fi URL: http://www.jyu.fi/swimsymp
2-4 July 1998 Sport in the City: a Major International Conference Sheffield, United Kingdom
Theme: Sport in the City
Contact: Prof. Chris Gratton/Nigel Dobson Director of Research
Leisure Industries Research Centre Sheffield Hallam University Howard St. Sheffield, South Yorkshire S12LX United Kingdom Tel. 44 0114 253 2023 Fax: 44 0114 253 4488 Email: lirc@shu.ac.uk
14-19 July 1998 ICHPER.SD European Congress 1998 St. Mary's University College, Twickenham, London Theme: Active Living Through Quality P.E.
Contact: Mrs. C. Minors Department of Sport Science & P.E.
St. Mary's University College Waldegrave Road Strawberry Hill Twickenham, Middlesex TW1 4SX England United
Kingdom Tel. 0181 2556186 Fax: 0181 2404255 Email: minorsc@smuc.ac.uk
15-18 July 1998 The Third Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science Manchester, England Theme: From Community Health to Elite Sport
Contact: Conference Secretariat HIT Conferences Cavern Walks 8 Matthew Street Liverpool L2 6RE United Kingdom Tel. 44 (0)151 227 4423 Fax: 44 (0)151 236 4829 Email: ecss@hitl.demon.co.uk
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