
European Association for Sport Management
University of Brussels, Belgium

Abstract. In Europe and in fact throughout many countries of the world sport is rapidly growing and increasingly diverse industry.

A large number of different types of organizations make up the sport industry, that wide array of private, public and voluntary organizations involved in the provision of all kinds of sport products and services (Slack,T.,1996).

For all those working or hoping to work in this industry a knowledge of organization theory, that is to say, a knowledge of organization, that has been systematically and scientifically derived, can help to understand better the problems the managers and policy-makers of sportorganizations have to face. It will support design of efficient structures, a highly effective confrontation of all changes that take place in the contextual situations and will provide adequate leadership to achieve the goals of the cportorganizations (Parkhouse,B.,1996).

Sportorganizations today are, more than in the past, in state of change; a change, that is related to systematical developments and implementation of the organizations in order to retain a competitive advantage in whatever market in targets. The pressures for such change are generated externally in the sportorganization`s environment and even originates from within the organization itself (Loret,A.,1993).

Over the past decade especially external pressures i.e. the changing economic, political and cultural situation, the technological advances in the manufacturing of sports equipment... and increased societal interest in sport and leisure have stimulated the growth of these changes in sportorganizations within sports industry (Billis,D., Harris,M.,1996).

In this contribution focus will be put on number of perspectives of this organizational change in sportorganizations. Moreover an overview will be given of the possible causes as well as of the consequences, which can lead to innovation in management and service or product... and which can alter the organizations`s policies and strategies in oder to respond adequately to the changed environment and to compete with great organizational effectiveness for a bright futuree of the organization, based on appropriate choices (Hamel,G., Prahalad,C.K.,1994).

"Destiny is not matter of chance. It is a matter choice - it is not a thing to be waited for - it is thing to be achieved". W.J. Bryan

Referring to the above introductive and discriptive basic assumption it is clear that the process of optimalization of the management and policy-planning process in sportorganizations, must focus on the incorporation of new managerial - and future oriented, strategic methods; methods, that are allready widely experienced in the private, commercial sector and which are now steadily and sistematically introduced by the decision-makers of the multivariate types of sportorgaizations.


Slack, T., Understanding Sportorganizations / the application of organization theory, 1996, Human Kinetics, U./Europe.

Parkhouse, B., The management of sport / its foundation and application, 2nd Ed., 1996, Mosby,USA.

Loret, A., Sport et management, 1993, Dunod, Paris.

Billis, D., Harris, M., Voluntary Agencies / challenges of organization and management, 1996, Mac Millan, London.

Hamel G., Prahaland, C.K., Competing for the future, 1996, Harvard Business School Press.

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Bollaert, L. Optimalization of the management and policy planning in sportorganisations // Человек в мире спорта : Новые идеи, технологии, перспективы : Тез. докл. Междунар. конгр. - М., 1998. - Т. 1. - С. 4-5.