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A biography
A book of directions compiled with special reference of the experimental study of school children in the laboratory of classroom
a case analysis of the Reebok advertising campaign in Russia
a case study
A coeducational approach
A coll. of essays
A collection of humorous stories
A common european curriculum of adapted physical activity
a comparative analysis
A Comparative Analysis of Russian Student League (RSL) and American League (NCAA) Management System
A comparative analysis of temperamental features in Iranian and Russian volleyball players
A comparative analysis of the step power coefficient among the world's leading speed-skaters in the years 1987 and 2014
A comparison of the effects of core stability and physioball exercises on static/dynamic balance of women suffering from multiple sclerosis in Esfahan
A Comprehensive Guide
A comprehensive guide to business writing and related office services
a comprehensive study of the game
A directory of courses and institutions in higher education for 29 countries which are non-members of the European Union
A documented novel about Arthur David Macpherson, a great organizer of Russian sport
A Dorling Kindersley Book. Разговорники
A guide for library and information managers
A guide to psychol. skills for high achievers
A guide to recognizing emotions from facial clues
A guide to swimming better than you ever imagined
A handbook for public libraries and learning centres
A history of russian football in photographs
A History of the Davis Cup
A Knowledge Management Perspective
a literature review and the prospects for the clinical application
A Magazine by Rolex
a manager`s guide
A method to detect pelvis rotation in horse riding by means of inertial sensors
A Modern Comedy
A motor activity analysis by children Gorno-Altaisk aged 6 - 7 years
A Multidisciplinary approach
A Multidisciplinary Journal of Movement Neuroscience
A new and enlarged edition with colour plates and illustrations from photographs and drawings: With about five hundred illustrations
A New Approach of Teaching the Aimed Shot From a Competitive Bow in the Initial Stage of Athletic Training
A new shoe design in wrestling
A novel
a novel (probably)
a novel without a hero
A pictorial history of wrestling
a pilot study
A Player's quide to modern methods by A. Wallis Myers, C. B.E.
A political biography of the decembrist poet
A psychology of the crestive eye
A publication of the u.s. parachute association
a randomized controlled trial
A reflective approach to teaching physical education
A Refresher Course for Students of English
A research into influence of high sugar medicated food to physical activities of athletes swimmers chess players
A resource book for teachers and parents
a review
A Review Publication with news from International Committee of Sport Pedagogy (ICSP)
A Russian reader with explanatory notes
a scale-invariant approach to regional state policy
a self-reference book with keys
a self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students of English: with answers: third edition
a Story of California
A study on the relation between the leisure time satisfaction and academic self-sufficiency of university students
A Survey on the effect of core stabilization training program on the static and dynamic balance of mentally retarded students
A system approach to performance optimization
A Textbook
A Trivial Comedy for Serious People
A unique, practical guide to help you understand life from you horse's point of view
A virada olimpica
A water exercise program for individuals of all ages and fitness levels
About free-standing unit estimates and correction of the physical readiness of schoolboys
About needs of sports club creation for disabled people within the Naberezhnye Chelny branch of Volga region State Academy of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism
About The Phenomenology Of Sports Interaction
About 200000 words and expressions
about 24 000 terms
about 25000 entries and 70000 senses
about 45000 words
Abstract models of counteractions contenders in the training of players sports game
Abstracts. Bibliographic references
Academia XXI
Academia 21
according to Federal Statistical Observation No. 5-FC
according to materials of the International scientific congress "Science and skiing: from the theory to practice"
According to Sociological Interrogation
according to the expert council on physical education and sport under the council of the Federation Committee on social policy
according to the opinion poll among wrestling coaches
Accounting the regularities of young swimmers' physical and functional development as the basis of working out the training in aged groups
Aces and places
Across the Globe
Across the North pole to America
action pursuit games
Active learning in sport
Actual problems E-sport
actual state of things and the tendecies of spread
Adaptation to the reactive strength development induced with stretch-shortening cycle pretensions
adaptd for the 8th form of secondary school
adapted for the 10-th class of the middle school
adapted for the 8th form of secondary school
adapted for the 9th Form of Secondary School
Adapted swimming and aquatic therapy as a part of the therapeutic program for children with poor posture
Adaptive physical culture for children of younger school age with autistic spectrum disorders
Adaptive sports as a social factor of the disabled integration
Adios, Аргентина!
Advanced fitness assessment and exercise prescription
Advanced swimming
Advancing coach education in sports industry
Adventures with Sharks
Adventurs in Diving
Aegon: профессор прав пока наполовину
Aerial acrobatics as a modern direction of service sphere
Aerobic work capacity lyceum students with enhanced predictive load
Aeroflot-Open 2004
African soccer
after Charlotte Bronte's novel "Jane Eyre"
Agatha Christie
Agatta Christie
Age and sex features psychophysiological characteristics young players in table tennis with different functions lateralization
Age peculiarities of knee functionality and physical performance in elderly women
Age, somatic pecularities and sports results of women skiers-racers in salt lake city winter Olympic games
Age-depending variability in action of aerobic gymnastics on women's mood
Aggressiveness and the formation of sports tolerance in professional sports
Agility as a modern form of recreation
Agression as an Element of Optimal Fighting Condition
Aktueller Wortschatz, idiomatische wendungen, umgangssprache, jugend jargon
Alabama song
Allerhand sachen zum lesen und lachen
All-russian contest "PE lesson of the 21 century"
Alma mater
Almanacco illustrato del calcio 1977
Alphazero как мейнстрим эволюции шахматного спорта
Alpinisme des premiers pas aux grandes courses
Amateur - Tour для любителей
Amateur Athletic Union Gumnastics
AMC Fight Nights
Amer. Acad. of Phys. Educ. pprs
american institute of biological sciences
American Journal of Human Biology
American satire
American Short Novel the 20th century
Ammonium Succinate Influence Upon Aerobic Capacity
Amnesie in litteris
Amour-2000: Лучшие амер. дамские романы
Amsterdam 1928. Lake Placid 1932
an agcient practice with contemporary significfnce
An analysis of different methodologies
an analysis of the rating compiled by voulture.com, 2018
An approach to compiling a russian-english chess dictionary
An easy recipe for great publicity
an illustrated guide
An illustrated sign manual for Scuba Divers
An introduction to sportology
an introductory textbook
An isokinetic profile in elite sambo and karate athletes
Anabolic trends in endocrine formula in connection with biological age
Analysis of conditions for basketball camps organization on the territory of Russia
Analysis of laboratorial test of power and strength in 18-years old ice hokey players
Analysis of performance at the Olympic games 2008 Olympic champion Michael Phelps
Analysis of preparation and participation of national Russian women's basketball team at 2008 Olympic games
analysis of realization of the project
Analysis of respiratory and cardiovascular system dynamics of kettlebell lifters
Analysis of students' demands and motives for mini football practice on artificial turf football fields in the area of Vietnam national university Ho Chi Minh City
Analysis of the role of horse riding in the program of modern pentathlon, based on morphological and functional and psychological characteristics of young athletes
analysis of the sports career of elite athletes
analysis of the state policy
Analysis of the team aggressive support technologies used by sports fans clubs in Russia and in the Western Europe countries
Analysis of the timing of electromyographic activity of the spine stabilizer muscles during different daily activities of patients with low-back pain as compared with that of healthy participants
analysis of the work of dissertation councils based in Siberian state university of physical education and sports in the 2014 - 16 years
Analysis of world records in track-and-field running disciplines in context of bioenergetic processes
analytical review
analytical survey
Analyzing sponsorship effects on multi-tasking viewers
Analyzing the dynamic response of a kick to head using computer simulation
anatomie, physiologie, training, rehabilitation
Anatomomorfological differences of highly qualified judo and karate sportsmen
anatomy, testing, movement
Andeken. О "Вавилонской башне"
anguish, aspiration, and achievement in Russian culture
Anima Celtica
Ann. Conf. Proc., Brainerd, Minnesota, June 5 - 8, 1980
Annual macrocycle special ice hockey conditioning for non-professional hockey teams
Anthropometric standardization reference manual
Anti gravity suspension fitness в практике физического воспитания студенток
Anti-doping science for university studies
Anti-Samaranch'99. Юношеское олимпийское движение
Antwerp 1920. Chamonix 1924
Anytime, anywhere
APAQ. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly
Application of critical chain method in sports industry
Application of healthy life profile on administrative personnel of Sakarya university
Application of projects to the world of the tourist industry with technology GIS
application of the core set of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health
Application projects in the world turindustry with GIS technology
Applications of mathematical models for road cycling
Applied sport psychology with professional and olympic athletes
Applying network analysis to the 2016 social media communication of the youth Olympic Games and the Olympic games
Applying new break-time exercise to limit the reduction of attention efficiency of secondary school students in mid-land and northern mountain areas of Vietnam
Applying of Different Technologies in Order to Enter the Flow Condition in Sport
approx. 30 000 enties
Approx. 70000 terms
Aquatic organization and management
Aquatics for special populations
Arbitration agreement in sport arbitration
Archery performance evaluation approaches: decomposition of the release into its parts
Arctic Lapland
Around Alone - все уже позади
Around Alone 2002 - 2003 - одни в бескрайнем море...
Ars longa, vita brevis
Ars magica
Ars pura. Фр. коллекция
Ars Rossica: литературная Россия и фабула глобализации
ART Детектив. Преступления в мире искусства
articles survey
as exemplified by synchronized swimming
as exemplified in football
Asian Games Cong. proc., Sept. 16 - 18, 1986
ASICS - "Anima Sana in Corpore Sano" - "В здоровом теле - здоровый дух"
ASICS стремится к совершенству
Aspects of cheerleading development
Aspiration level assessment of young rowing athletes
Assessment of body composition in 9 to 11 year old estonian children by bioelectrical impedance analysis
Assessment of performance parameters on a rowing ergometer in college level male rowers
Assessment of shjjtibg accuracy
Assessment of the Finish Pain Syndrome in the Endurance Sports Such as Cross-Country Skiing, Ski Mountaineering, Climbing and Skyrunning
Associated influence method in improvement of special flexibility in traditional wushu (taolu)
Associations of T/A-polymorphism of gene FTO with fat accumulation in Kalmykian youth
at example of competitive swimming
Athlete's body as necessity structurizing social discourse
Athlete's diet as one of the main components of success
Athletes' photo shooting peculiarities
Athletic qualities of the young Tunisian athletic development
Atlanta 1996. Nagano 1998
ATP Tour: от Делрей-Бич до Индиан-Уэллс
ATP Tour-97
ATR CHAMPIONS RACE 2000 - новая система классификации ATR Tour
Attitude manifestations of adolescents with visual impairments involved in dancing
Audi MedCup 2010: сезон - новый, проблемы - старые
audio-кн. mp3
Audio-книга mp3
Audit on behalf of public authorities and law enforcement
Auf wiedersehen, "Бавария"!
Australia Open
Australia Open 2007
Australian Open
Australian Open-98
Ave, Massimo!
Aviation & sport
AVIVA: инновации плюс экономия
Azbooka - the best
Azbooka next message
Azbooka. The best
Azbooka the best
Azbooka. Линия отрыва