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INFORMATION FOR FOREIGN AUTHORS 1. Manuscripts are considered for publication on the condition that they are contributed solely to this journal and, there fore, have not been published elsewhere. 2. The authors are requested to submit one copy of the manuscript signed by each of the authors and to enclose a disc with the manuscript in Microsoft Word format and figures in Tiff or Corel Draw format of any version, and tables in Microsoft Excel format of any version or send these materials by e-mail (teoriya@teoriya.ru). The next parameters of a manuscript page are to be maintained: the indentation left - 3 sm, right - 1 sm, the interval: before and below - 2 sm, between lines - 1.5, type - Arial, type body - 14. The abstract is to be represented (14-16 lines, interval - 1.5). The abstract contains: the purpose of the study or paper, method, main results. 3. The publications must be paid by the authors. The price of the publication is 35 USD for one journal page if the article is represented in Russian and 75 USD for one journal page in case of it is represented in English. 4. The payment for the publication must be made after the official acceptance of the manuscript and the corresponding massage from the editor's office to the author(ors). The article ordered by the editor's office are free of payment. Adress: Russia, 105122 Moscow, Sirenevy Boulevard 4, office 413D Bank: SAVING BANK OF RUSSIAN FEDERATION, MOSCOW BANK IZMAILOVSKOE BRANCH 2695/05 S.W.I.F.T. - SABRRUMM100 ACC. 30301840938000603834 USD Receiver: Editorial office of journal "Theory and Practice of Physical Culture" Sirenevy Boulevard, 4, Moscow 105122 Russia current account: 40703.804.5.38340100257 transit account: 40703.840.4.38340200257
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