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Котляров, А.Д.
    Развитие координационных способностей девочек 7 - 8 лет, занимающихся плаванием = Development of coordination abilities at girls 7 - 8 years that do swimming / Котляров А.Д., Фомин А.В.
    // Науч.-спортив. вестн. Урала и Сибири. - 2016. - № 1 (9). - С. 49-52. - Библиогр.: с. 52 (5 назв.).

URL HTTP://lib.sportedu.ru/Press/NSVUiS/2016n1(9)/p49-52.pdf

    -- 1. Плавание спортивное - Юношеский спорт - Девочки - Возрастные особенности. 7 - 8 лет - Спортивная подготовка - Начальная подготовка - Школа спортивная - Упражнения в воде - Комплекс упражнений - ДЮСШ - Тренировка спортивная - Методика тренировки - Упражнения плавательные - Скольжение в воде. 2. Психофизиология спортивная - Координационные способности - Развитие способностей. 3. Методика исследования - Научный анализ - Наблюдение педагогическое - Контрольные испытания - Педагогический эксперимент - Математическая статистика - Таблица - Сравнительный анализ. 4. Swimming. 5. Coordination abilities. 6. Girls. 7. Training process.

    УДК 797.21                  ГРНТИ 77.29.34
                                ГРНТИ 15.21.35

    О проблеме совершенствования двигательно-координационных способностей девочек 7-8 летнего возраста, занимающихся плаванием.

    This work is devoted to the improvement of the motor-coordination abilities in girls of age 7-8 years old, that are engaged in swimming. This work enables the use of the data obtained in the practice of professionals engaged in the training process in swimming with the young swimmers. Since the age of 7-8 years undergoing another period of profound qualitative changes in all the systems of the body, its improvement, primary school age most favorable for the formation of children of almost all physical qualities and coordination abilities, implemented in physical activity. Initial training of swimmers is the first and one of the most important in the preparation of future high-class athletes. The program of sports training for children and youth sport school in swimming for groups of initial training is given little time to develop coordination skills that underlie the formation of specialized perceptions, since the opinion of most authors, age 7-8 years is not a sensitive period for the development of coordination abilities, the more specialized for swimming, their central nervous system has not reached the appropriate level of development. The authors have developed a set of exercises in the water, aimed at the development of coordination abilities in girls 7-8 years old, engaged in sports swimming. Studies have shown that the use of exercises for the development of coordination abilities contribute to the qualitative development of the skill of swimming girls 7-8 years, becoming the art that subsequently affect their athletic performance.

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