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Цакаев, С.Ш.
    "Агрессивная" культура как компонент проектной культуры личности студента спортивного вуза / Цакаев С.Ш.
    // Спортив. психолог. - 2015. - № 4 (39). - С. 65-68. - Библиогр.: с. 68 (4 назв.).

URL HTTP://lib.sportedu.ru/Press/SP/2015N4/p65-68.pdf

    -- 1. Психология спортивная - Личность спортсмена - Агрессивная культура личности - Поведение агрессивное - Мотивационная сфера - Проектная культура - Уровень культуры - Агрессивность - Агрессия - Познавательная активность. 2. Образование физкультурное - Подготовка физкультурных кадров - Образование высшее профессиональное - Профессиональная подготовка - Студенты - Проектно-программный подход - Образование педагогическое - Педагог по физической культуре. 3. Методика исследования - Корреляционный анализ - Теоретический анализ - Обзор научных работ - Таблица. 4. Aggressive culture of personality. 5. Motivational attribution of aggressive behavior. 6. Project management approach. 7. Project culture.

    УДК 796.01:159.9            ГРНТИ 77.03.09

    Представлена адаптированная методика мотивационной атрибуции агрессивности или агрессивной культуры личности, позволившая увидеть корреляцию элементов проектной культуры и агрессивной культуры личности.

    We have found a correlation of levels of formation of aggressive culture with levels of design culture that develop a personality in the direction of forming their own innovative style, including in educational activities Accordingly, aggressive culture be defined as one of the components of the design culture of the individual. The use of adapted techniques of motivational attribution of aggressiveness or aggressive cultural identity as a new pedagogical technologies, allows you to embed an aggressive culture to design culture as its component. Given the tight time frame training sessions and the definition of aggression as a form of activity, it is easier and faster just called in man, the use of adapted techniques of motivational attribution of aggressiveness or aggressive culture provides optimization of the educational process. The result can be seen immediately during the training sessions. And creating a certain frustration of the student to a specific teacher or the subject, stimulate the teacher for a quick and optimal solution of the problem situation, i.e. development of students curriculum. For the experimental part of the study to substantiate this hypothesis does not require special conditions (locus groups and laboratories). Conducting training sessions and will be an experiment. The interaction between the student teacher and communication with the learning material can usamusements, providing both personal and substantive interaction. The above levels of design culture and correlation with their levels of aggressive cultural identity achieved students both independently and in the communication process, i.e. co-curricular activities, with the teacher.

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