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Корепанова, Ю.А.
    Социализация личности студентов с ограниченными жизненными возможностями средствами физической культуры и спорта = Socialization to personalities student with limited life possibility physical culture facility and sport / Ю.А. Корепанова, А.П. Морозов, В.Д. Паначев
    // Науч.-спортив. вестн. Урала и Сибири. - 2016. - № 2 (10). - С. 45-49. - Библиогр.: с. 48-49 (7 назв.).

URL HTTP://lib.sportedu.ru/Press/NSVUiS/2016n2(10)/p45-49.pdf

    -- 1. Социализация личности - Развитие личности - Адаптация социальная - Самореализация. 2. Адаптивная физическая культура - Инвалиды - Средства физической культуры - Двигательные качества - Ограничения жизненных возможностей - Активность двигательная - Упражнения физические - Влияние на организм - Физическое развитие - Реабилитация адаптивная - Образование высшее профессиональное - Студенты - Режим двигательный. 3. Неврология - Паралич церебральный. 4. Physically-challenged students. 5. Adaptive physical culture. 6. Sport. 7. Socialization of personality.

    УДК 316.6                   ГРНТИ 15.41.25
    УДК 615.825                 ГРНТИ 76.29.61
                                ГРНТИ 76.29.51

    Проанализированы экспериментальные данные использования адаптивной физической культуры и спорта в группе студентов-инвалидов с ДЦП для их социализации и развития двигательных качеств.

    The article analyses carried experimental data with the use of adaptive physical culture and sport in group of physically-challenged students with ICP for their socializations and development of motor qualities. Over the long time it is proved; by many scientists that certain physical exercises promote the development of the functional systems of the organism, raise general level of health, immune system, ability to adapt, stimulate mental activity. Also examples in analysis of the positive influence of occupation with physical culture and sport on development of the personalities are given, it brightly reveals itself amongst physically-challenged students. To support their physical form on a high level, systematic planned exercises are necessary to be done since childhood, during the whole life. Long-term studies have shown that physical potential of the young person is formed, first of all, in the first two decennial events. Exactly in this period it is necessary to obtain, probably, higher level of development of physical qualities for each physically-challenged student. There is no doubt that discovery of new sanitary effects of physical culture will raise the quality of the internal potential, designed by nature in such students.

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