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Приешкина, А.Н.
    Профилактика детского травматизма в школе = Child injury prevention in schools / А.Н. Приешкина, С.Р. Жукенов
    // Науч.-спортив. вестн. Урала и Сибири. - 2016. - № 2 (10). - С. 55-62. - Библиогр.: с. 61-62 (13 назв.).

URL HTTP://lib.sportedu.ru/Press/NSVUiS/2016n2(10)/p55-62.pdf

    -- 1. Методика исследования - Научный анализ - Обзор научных работ - Причинный анализ - Анкетирование - Тестирование педагогическое - Педагогический эксперимент - Математические методы - Статистический анализ. 2. Безопасность жизнедеятельности - Профилактика травматизма - Причины травматизма - Оказание помощи - Первая помощь - Техника безопасности - Правила поведения. 3. Педагогика школьная - Образование среднее - Учреждение общеобразовательное - Школьный возраст - Детский возраст - Физическое воспитание - Урок физической культуры - Организация занятий - Возрастные особенности - Опыт работы. 4. Injuries. 5. Trauma. 6. School injuries. 7. Schoolchildren. 8. Prevention. 9. Physical education lesson. 10. Traumatic situations. 11. Educational institutions.

    УДК 614.8                   ГРНТИ 81.93.21
    УДК 373.1                   ГРНТИ 14.25.07

    Представлены результаты экспериментального исследования, направленного на разработку методов и форм профилактики травматизма в образовательной среде, изучен опыт работы по предупреждению детского травматизма в образовательных учреждениях, выявлены причины возникновения травмоопасных ситуаций.

    The article presents the results of a pilot study aimed at the development of methods and forms of injury prevention in the educational environment. The experience of work on child injury prevention in educational institutions is studied. The reasons of occurrence of traumatic situations in educational institutions are revealed. The occurrence of injuries among children takes place due to their lack of discipline, playing aggressiveness; untrained necessary skills of behavior; underestimation of the severity of the situation suddenly arose; physical weakness; certain features of the development. at the lessons of physical culture students are injured as a result of shortcomings in the organization and methodology of the lessons; unsatisfactory state of the gyms and sports grounds, equipment, tools, clothing and footwear; overcrowding of children in the classroom. Knowledge is revealed that of high school students on the rules of first aid in case of injuries. The findings suggest that students have enough knowledge on this subject, however, to provide first aid for fractures of the job turned out to be the most problematic for high school students. Complex of activities on prevention of school injuries is worked out. These classes allow you to model the conditions in the behavioral strategies to work in typical situations. The structure of the classes and methods used provide an opportunity to develop the necessary skills, based on knowledge passed on a bright emotional background.

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