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Тымошенко, Ю.А.
    Особенности развития спорта в СССР в 1920-е годы (на примере Украинской ССР) = Features of the development of spots in the USSR in the 1920th (for example, Ukrainian SSR) / Тымошенко Ю.А.
    // Науч.-спортив. вестн. Урала и Сибири. - 2014. - № 2 (2). - С. 40-46. - Библиогр.: с. 46 (20 назв.).

URL HTTP://lib.sportedu.ru/Press/NSVUiS/2014n2(2)/p40-46.pdf

    -- 1. 1920 г. 2. СССР. 3. Украинская ССР. 4. Социология спортивная - Политика и спорт - Идеологический фактор - Социокультурный аспект. 5. Развитие физической культуры и спорта - История развития - Виды спорта - Соревнования спортивные - Отрасль спортивная - Государственная политика - Проблемы развития - Популяризация спорта - Футбол - Легкая атлетика - Гандбол - Тяжелая атлетика - Хоккей с шайбой - Теннис большой - Бокс - Борьба спортивная. 6. Sport. 7. Physical education. 8. Competitions. 9. Football. 10. Track and field athletics. 11. Handball. 12. Weightlifting. 13. Hockey. 14. Tennis. 15. Boxing. 16. Wrestling.

    УДК 796.075                 ГРНТИ 77.01.75
                                ГРНТИ 77.03.11
                                ГРНТИ 77.01.53

    Показано состояние, в котором находилась спортивная сфера Украины в условиях относительной свободы, характерной для периода новой экономической политики; выяснено, что на протяжении 1920-х гг. вокруг термина "спорт" развернулись политические дискуссии, что отразилось на развитии разных его видов.

    The purpose of the article is to find out the states, in which sport sphere of Ukraine was in the conditions of relative freedom, characteristic for the period of new economic policy. The work is based on the use of historical analysis of scientific literature and sources; systems and comparative analyses. The article shows that during 1920th political discussions were developed round a term "sport" that affected development of its different kinds. During those years a tendency appears to the submission of physical culture (and to sport, as its constituent) to political aims and interests of power. The degree of popularity and distribution of those or other types of sport as well as feature of their cultivating in UKRAINE are exposed. Attention is paid on the fact that football (only in separate years - handball) was greatly supported among people and it caused dissatisfaction from the side of soviet power. It tried to match against this popularity other kinds, perceiving football only as a hooligan toy.

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