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Bibliographic card Query results (Periodical publications)
records 41-60 of 517
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41. In Vertum : журнал. 169293
42. International Journal of Physical Education : A Review Publication with news from International Committee of Sport Pedagogy (ICSP). 123313
43. International journal of Sport Science & Coaching : журнал. 129107
44. International Journal of Sports Medicine : журнал. 100592
45. International Journal of Table Tennis Sciences : журнал. 119727
46. International sports studies : журнал. 168226
47. International VolleyTech : Quarterly technical review for Volleyboll coaches published by the Federation Internationale de Volley-Ball (FIVB) : журнал. 117534
48. IRONman / Железный человек : журнал. - М.
URL : HTTP://Www.ironman.ru
49. IRSS: International Review for the SOCIOLOGY OF SPORT, До 1983International review of sport sociology : журнал / Committee of sport sociology of the international council of sport and physical education. - Warszawa. 127143
50. Journal : The official journal of the international Olympic Academy : журнал / International Olympic Academy. 328375
51. Journal of applied biomechanics : журнал. 115911
52. Journal of Applied Physiology : Physiological Imaging of the Lung. 162246
53. Journal of Applied Physiology : Published by the American Physiological Society : журнал. 123834
54. Journal of Applied Sport Physiology : Журн. по спортив. психологии : журнал. 246245
55. Journal of Motor Behavior : A Multidisciplinary Journal of Movement Neuroscience : журнал. 162248
56. Journal of sport & exercise psychology : журнал: Журнал по спортивной и педагогической психологии. 119697
57. Journal of Sport Management : журнал : The official journal of the North American Society for Sport Management. 100652
58. Journal of sport psychology : журнал: Журнал по спортивной психологии. 119690
59. Journal of sport rehabilitation : журнал. 127307
60. Journal of Sports Sciences : журнал. 127165
1-20  21-40  41-60  61-80  81-100  101-120  121-140  141-160  161-180  181-200  Следующие >> 

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